How a Truck Driver’s Poor Health Could Lead to a Semi-truck Crash

Harris And Hart, LLC
A truck accident on the highway

Certain jobs are more dangerous than others. Many blue-collar jobs, including driving commercial vehicles, are more dangerous than other professions. Driving a commercial truck obviously comes with certain career hazards.

The more time people spend on the road, the greater their overall potential of experiencing a major motor vehicle collision. Additionally, truck drivers often have to do heavy lifting when loading and unloading a trailer. They are also sometimes targeted by criminals who want to steal the goods are materials they transport.

All of those hazards combined make truck driving relatively risky. There are also health concerns associated with driving for work. Truck drivers lead a sedentary lifestyle because their job requires that they sit for hours. In some cases, truck drivers develop medical issues that affect their job performance and put others at risk.

Emergencies can lead to non-performance

According to crash statistics, roughly 12% of commercial vehicle collisions occur due to non-performance. In other words, the driver becomes incapable of performing their job responsibilities. The risk of medical challenges leading to a crash is one reason why truck drivers have to undergo evaluations to ensure they are healthy enough to safely work.

The various medical challenges associated with truck driving include obesity, heart disease and sleep apnea. All of those medical issues can affect a driver’s ability to safely operate a truck. For example, sleep apnea isn’t just dangerous when a driver is getting rest.

Their condition also affects their ability to get good sleep, which can lead to them feeling consistently fatigued while working. They could then potentially cause crashes because of how exhaustion affects their judgment or because they fall asleep at the wheel.

Unconsciousness caused by exhaustion is one of several types of non-performance that could lead to a semi-truck collision. Drivers who experience medical emergencies related to heart issues, circulation problems or high blood pressure could also become suddenly incapable of controlling a semi-truck safely. They can cause crashes that affect many other vehicles.

Those affected by semi-truck collisions related to a health issue may have grounds for an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit. Seeking compensation from a commercial insurance policy or a transportation company could help cover medical expenses, vehicle repair costs and lost wages.